I got some not so subtle hints from Boudewijn: he reaaaally would love to have a sweater. And well, he had some reason for those hints, because some time ago (a year..!) I started enthousiastic with a really cool hack of the Billie Sweater of Zonen09.
I don’t know why I left it for so long. And I forgot how far I was with the hacking: I just needed to cut the fabric and sew the damn thing!
So after 2 nights of sewing I made Boudewijn the sweater he waited for more than a year. And that includes the problemsolving I had with my serger, because halfway through the serger acted really funky. After trying too long, I switched to the sewing machine.
*insert something about waiting for something and really loving it more…?*
Fabrics are sweats from De Stoffenloods.
Next time i will shorten the neckband to make it lay flat more and slim the sides of the sweater a bit. But hey, that will be in about.. a year. Gheghe.